Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daylight Shifts

Well I think daylight savings time should be fired, or Death. I have never liked daylight savings time, it takes away an hour of much needed sleep but this morning I was fine to have everything pushed up an hour. So when I woke this morning I looked and saw that the clock said it was 10, so my mind goes, "good, I can get a decent breakfast in half and hour," so I go and doze on the couch saying to Death, "Lunch in half and hour," "Really," she replies. I lay there for several minutes before the sleep haze and my reminiscence over a very colorful dream recede and I ask Death, "Did you change the clocks last night?".
Her answer, "All but Creation's laptop," I was mad. Why because I woke up at the same time as I usually do and I had over an hour before I could gets eggs to re energize my system. I officially hate Daylight savings time, it is a waste of much needed time, unless you are in the fall, but otherwise it doesn't do anything.

OK my rant is done.

Calligraphy project is driving me nuts, Chinese test tomorrow morning. I miss the snow...

Yesterday was tiring for a dress that I fell like I am popping out of and heels, all day long, I was exhausted by the time I got back. How I drove from one end of the state to the other and back I don't know. Not to mention I hate crowds for feel like I am stuck in a strong current and that I am going to drown, except that in a river or ocean you ride it out but with people, it is sink or swim. How do I survive?

That's all for now, I think I feel better and need to get much needed studying done.



Monday, March 2, 2009

Lightening through the Silent Snow

So last night we had a Thundersnow, no I am not making up the word, and it was amazing. Until we lost power, but otherwise it was fine. Got out of class, had a huge snowball fight, didn't do homework. It was great. I only wish it would last a little longer, but then this is the most snow we have seen in a few years apparently.

Horse Keeper had a birthday last week, my little sister is a year older. This must mean I can't treat her as a little girl anymore... Nah, she is still my little sister 17 years old or not. I love but she deserves every ounce of big sister affection I can give.

Big party this coming weekend, ugh, I have to practice so I don't stop in the middle of my stuff with a blank face.

Chinese is driving me nuts because it is not only for class now, no I also have a project for another class on Chinese Calligraphy. If by the end of this month I am not an expert on the various Chinese arts, specifically calligraphy, then I will be amazed.

Fat Tuesday was a little depressing, but then we weren't anywhere near the parades and big shindigs. Maybe the future will allow me to participate.

Anyways, need to go finish homework, check temp, and make sure I do not become sick. Wish everyone who reads a good end of winter and beginning of Spring.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Omens in Strength

So apparently there was a lunar eclipse this past weekend and unfortunately i missed it but thats ok, i will just catch the july one and wish I was in china to see the solar eclipse. Yeah like I would be able to go to china at that time...

Speaking of china, We are Finally celebrating the Chinese New Year, almost a month late... I have to do a bunch of things but I was thinking of going early to help out in the kitchen. Home front is scary, money is tight so I haven't been able to get my books, thankfully I already had a few and I just ordered one book that I need, hopefully it will be here soon.

Bishu is not mad at me for skipping out on that recital event the other week and we are looking forward to next year when we can room together again.

Death is busy with her labs so she can become that medical examiner and Creation is all into her art.

Nuwara is as bright and busy as ever. Ok, maybe a touch gloomy.

Of course, I have an earache and it is my own fault, I should have never gone swimming the other night. But the water begged me and I went... REap what you Sow...

Homework, I am keeping up with it suprisingly, although I am getting tired, though I think it is the Zyrtec, it always makes me sleepy.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time That Speeds On

So, I am procrastinating. I have a final exam due tomorrow at 11:30 and I haven't even started writing it. fyi: it is a five page paper. plus I have another paper I have to write also due at 11:30. and what did I do all afternoon, play a silly rpg. Ok, it is one of my favorite RPG's but still I did nothing else, besides sleep and eat. But then I have been working my butt off all month and finally found a day of rest, don't occur often not even on the weekends. But I am thankful about one thing, this weekend I get it all to myself. I love it. No roommates, a few friends on campus but I get to rule the roost. Though I will have to work on a few things... Grants, scholarships, that kind of stuff.

Not to mention I need to get a job so I can pay for my books and other things this coming semester, because at the moment I have at most enough for one textbook.

But things will work out, they should, they always do.

Home front is good. School front is a disaster. Oh I need to go volunteer this weekend, and I am looking out for Married with Kittens cats while she is away at her folks with her husband. So I do have things I need to do, oh and that book needs to be returned to the library... Sorry.

Wanted Alive
For the crime of desertion during a war against final exams.
Caution: A slippery fellow
Reward: B or better depending upon speed of the return.
I am not going to get any sleep tonight and if I do it will be for a few hours and then I will have to get up and turn in the paper(s). Wish me luck.
I also need to do laundry, or at least a load of laundry so I have pants for the next few days, I have plenty of shirts. I can do the rest this weekend.
Oh the weather out side is delightful
the fire is truely frightful
theres no where else to go
let it shine
let it shine
let it shine
Yes it is the end of january not two weeks ago we had snow and now we are having sunny weather at a cold temperature of 75 degrees F. We are loving it, except the days of rain.
That is it for now.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Travels Across Time

So today my class went to 2 revolutionary battlefields called 96 and Musgrove Mill. Both near Columbia, SC. I was stupid... beyond stupid... why? Because yesterday was warm, comfortable, short sleeve shirt and pants comfortable, but today no, rainy and cold; so what did I wear, short sleeves and light pants. Thankfully the thought of walking trails had me wearing boots, and a chilly morning a sweater...

But anyways, did a great amount of research for final project, after driving all day. An o.k. dinner, if you could call it that... Arm wrestles with Nuwara, means "to be illuminated" in Arabic, she beat me with her right arm and I beat her with the left... fyi. I am right handed... go figure.

haaa... tired, ohh Gloomy, a friend, wore a dress today, I was shocked all I ever see her in is pants, and thrice in a dress. I mean even the socials where cocktail dresses are short of requirement she wears dress pants and tie. I was shocked, unbelievably so...

Hmm... What else... Moving for family and studying for me. Otherwise not much change, yet.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Path Lost in the Forest

Is it really the end, the last week of class. I find it unnerving and slightly scary, or is the final project that I haven't worked on eating away at me. But then it could also me guilt, mainly terror from Earth Shaker(mother) when I was in Highschool, that I slept all day and yesterday I did nothing but read... oh wait I did get somethings done for the project. Oh well...

I am Spirit and at this moment I am 20 years, 8 days, 3 hours and 17 minutes... ok, ok I was brought into the world January 17, 1989.
I have a younger sister, Horse Keeper; my father, Sails Across Waters, and of course my mother, Earth Shaker.
I have had many adventures during my short life and I am forever searching in my life for the light that will make my purpose known, whether or not that will ever happen...

On top of that, this is my first blog and it is a little disconcerting and I have never been great at writing in my numerous diaries on top of everything else.
